Clarence comes from a long line of book folders - another lost skill sadly lost to the machine. He is the only surviving book folder of note and his displays of buckle folds, knife folds, parallel and cross folds are sought after far and wide.
He's is a one of a kind sculpture made from many layers of frayed and faded antique and vintage textiles over clay and wire. He is long and lanky jointed limbs and the most beautiful lashes you've ever seen. Each little piece of fabric carries a story of a life before Clarence and they all come together to make him such a charming fellow.
My sculptures are hand made in my studio in a leafy beachside suburb of Perth Australia. Each one is completely unique and comes with it's own delightful story about it's life and adventures.
Clarence is a sculpture - he may look cuddly but she's not a toy.
Clarence measures 18cmW x 10cmD x 78cmH